
Heavy Machinery and Equipment Appraisals

Heavy Machinery AppraisalsTurner Business Appraisers will appraise your heavy equipment and machinery accurately and efficiently.

Our certified appraisers have earned the prestigious CMEA designation from the NEBB Institute.  The NEBB Institute is recognized nationally and globally for maintaining and training appraisers with some of the highest standards in the industry.  Appraisers who receive training through this reputable organization must undergo some very intensive course work, pass a written exam, and prepare a sample appraisal report that is scrutinized by a peer advisory board and graded by two certified professional appraisers before obtaining certification. This high level of instruction has prepared our appraisers to approach your heavy machinery and equipment appraisal with confidence, knowledge and competency.

Our appraisers are committed to delivering a high quality work product with accuracy, precision, professionalism and courtesy. Our heavy machinery and equipment appraisers have the acumen to appraise heavy machinery and equipment for any purpose including but not limited to balance sheet adjustments, sale of a practice, mergers/acquisitions, insurance replacement costs, lease termination, donations and tax challenges.

Certified Heavy Machinery & Equipment Appraisals in NC, SC and GA

Our appraisers are experienced at appraising numerous types of heavy machinery and equipment such as dozers, logging equipment, cranes, dump trucks, forklifts, excavators, loaders, and more. Additionally, there are several approaches to value that are considered for heavy machinery and equipment appraisals.  These include Fair Market Value estimates, the Market Data Approach, the Cost Less Depreciation Approach and the Income Approach.  Our certified heavy machinery and equipment appraisers are adept at determining which approach is best utilized for your appraisal based upon the purpose for which it is being prepared.

If you are in need of a high level appraisal that is more comprehensive and can withstand the scrutiny of litigation, tax issues and SBA Loan and Banking requirements, then your best bet will be to obtain a Full Summary Appraisal.

A desktop appraisal is a more cost effective option for your heavy machinery and equipment if your appraisal purposes do not include litigation, tax issues or SBA Loan/Banking requirements. A Desktop Appraisal report is similar to the full summary appraisal except the equipment is not physically verified by the appraiser and the report is prepared right from the appraiser’s desk based upon information supplied by the client such as manufacturer names, model numbers, and photographs.

Turner Business Appraisers has the knowledge, the experience and the expertise to facilitate a certified heavy machinery and equipment appraisal with accuracy and efficiency. Call us today at 704-765-4820 and we will be happy to assist you!  

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